domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Sting - From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen [Lyric]

11. “. . . From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen . . ." [0'24]
Letter to Sir Robert Cecil, continuation

…From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen, (who gav me the
gretest welcome that myght be for on of my qualyty) who sent a ringe into England to
my wiff valued at xx £ sterlinge, and gave me a great standing cupe with a cover gilt,
full of dolers with many great offers for my service…
(Letter to Sir Robert Cecil)
Sting - From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen [Lyric]
Sting - From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen [Lyric]
Letra de Sting
Tema: From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - From thenc I went to the Landgrave of Hessen [Lyric]
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Sting - . . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . . [Lyric]

“. . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . ." [0'55]
Letter to Sir Robert Cecil, continuation

…And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter to me out of Germany
from the Duke of Brunswicke, wherupon I spake to your honor and to my Lord of
Essex, who willingly gav me both your hands (for which I wold be glad if ther wear
any service in me that yor honors coulde comande). When I cam to the Duke of
Brunswicke he usde me kindly, and gave me a ritch chaine of golde…with velvet and
saten and gold lace to make me aparell, with promyse that if I wolde serv him he
wolde gev me as mutch as any prince in the worlde…
(Letter to Sir Robert Cecil)
Sting - . . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . . [Lyric]
Sting - . . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . . [Lyric]
Sting - . . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . . [Lyric]
Sting - . . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . . [Lyric]
Letra de Sting
Tema: And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter .
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - . . . And accordinge as I desired ther cam a letter . . . [Lyric]
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Sting - The lowest trees have tops [Lyric]

8. The lowest trees have tops [2'16]
Third Booke of Songes, 1603, no. 19

The lowest trees have tops, the ant her gall,
The fly her spleen, the little spark his heat;
And slender hairs cast shadows though but small,
And bees have stings although they be not great;
Seas have their source, and so have shallow springs,
And love is love in beggars and in kings.
Where waters smoothest run deep are the fords;
The dial stirs, yet none perceives it move;
The firmest faith is in the fewest words;
The turtles cannot sing and yet they love,
True hearts have eyes and ears, no tongues to speak;
They hear and see and sigh, and then they break.
Sting - The lowest trees have tops [Lyric]
Sting - The lowest trees have tops [Lyric]
Letra de Sting
Tema: The lowest trees have tops
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - The lowest trees have tops [Lyric]
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Sting - The Battle Galliard [Lyric]

7. The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard [3'01]
(also known as "The Battle Galliard")


Sting - The Battle Galliard [Lyric]
Sting - The Battle Galliard [Lyric]

Letra de Sting
Tema: The Battle Galliard
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - The Battle Galliard [Lyric]
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Sting - Then in Time Passing On [Lyric]

6. “. . . Then in time passing on Mr. Johnson died . . ." [0'32]
Letter to Sir Robert Cecil, continuation

…Then in time passing on Mr. [John] Johnson died, and I become an
humble sutor for his place (thinking my selfe most worthiest), wherin I found many
good and honorable friends that spake for me, but I saw that I was like to go without
it, and that any might have preferment but I. Wherby I began to sound the cause,
and guest that my religion was my hinderance. Whearupon, my mind being troubled,
I desired to get beyond the seas…
(Letter to Sir Robert Cecil)
Sting - Then in Time Passing On [Lyric] Sting - Then in Time Passing On [Lyric]
Sting - Then in Time Passing On [Lyric]
Letra de Sting
Tema: Then in Time Passing On
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - Then in Time Passing On [Lyric]
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Sting - Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow [Lyric]

Have you seen the bright lily grow [2'35]
from Ben Jonson: The Devil is an Ass, 1616

Have you seen but a bright lily grow Before rude hands have touched it?
Have you marked but the fall of snow
Before the soil hath smutched it?
Have you felt the wool of beaver,
Or swan's down ever?
Or have smelt o' the bud o' the brier,
Or the nard in the fire?
Or have tasted the bag of the bee?
O so white, O so soft, O so sweet is she!
Sting - Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow [Lyric]
Sting - Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow [Lyric]

Letra de Sting
Tema: Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - Have You Seen the Bright Lily Grow [Lyric]
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Sting - Ryght honorable [Lyric]

3. “Ryght honorable: as I have bin most bounde unto your honor . . ." [0'40]
Letter to Sir Robert Cecil, Nuremberg, 10 November 1595

Ryght honorable: as I have been most bounde unto your honor, so I most
humblie desire your honor to pardon my boldnes, and make my choice of your honor to
let you understand my bounden duty and desire of Gods preservation of my most dear
soveraigne Quene and country: whom I besech God ever to bless and to confounde all
their enemies what and whomsoever. Your honors most bounden for ever John
(Letter to Sir Robert Cecil, Nuremberg, 10 November 1595)

Sting - Ryght honorable [Lyric]
Sting - Ryght honorable [Lyric]
Letra de Sting
Tema: Ryght honorable
Album: Songs From The Labyrinth
Año: 2006
Sting - Ryght honorable [Lyric]
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